Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WTF?? Aha!!...

From: Clayton Gumbert
Subject: Re: Today's Tracks

Bob -

"Say That You Love Me"

Did you know that women no longer talk on the phone? At least young women. They text. The nuances of male/female interaction have been lost because now we have Blackberries. Women no longer have to learn to lie effectively over the phone. They can send you a text to blow you off or just not respond to you at all. And you can't call to try and charm them with your rapier wit or mastery of the English language. That's passe. It's like your Grandpa who still has a rotary dial. If you can't type on your phone fast enough, you lose the chance to make a joke and get her to think you're clever. The rhythm is ruined. I met up with an old classmate this weekend. I knew there was interest there and I wanted to see what would come of it. She was one of those acquaintances where you kind of circle around each other and size each other up for years until you decide to give it a go. I felt that rush of excitement. Finally! Let's see what we can do! Well, after she drunkenly told me that I was, "too smart to be following my dreams," and that, "I should be a lawyer, because I could be making 6 figures," I asked her point blank if she would rather she me be rich and a lawyer, or happy and following my muse. She picked the former. And she meant it! Because her rich (and miserable) parents and her overprivileged (and also miserable) friends would never accept me because my aspirations are not respectable (i.e. lucrative). The sad thing is I know this woman had potential. I saw glimmers of it. But that's not enough. I don't want to be famous and I don't need to be rich. Let's face it, I'll probably be neither. That doesn't make me sad. What makes me sad is that we have become so isolated as people, so materially driven that it's hard to really connect with anyone. I want someone I can watch "Jeopardy" with. I suck at "Jeopardy". The only questions I get right are the pop culture ones. That's not the point. The point is, I ask for so little out of life and yet I feel like I can't even get that. I'm willing to put myself on the line, but I don't think the channels are open for anyone to receive the message anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Took me time to read the whole article, the article is great but the comments bring more brainstorm ideas, thanks.

- Johnson